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Parker & Hanson


SB Parker was born January of 1980 in Flatbush, Brooklyn. Alvin J. Hanson was born in May of 1979 in the South Bronx. These New Yorkers are men of the streets, intimately familiar with its codes and its violence, but still, Parker and Hanson are incredibly intelligent and deliberate men.

Both were born into the notorious New York drug dyansty during the early '80s. Parker & Hanson both lost close friends at early ages. They were raised without mothers and fathers, as both their parents were found dead in different situation under mysterious circumstances before they could hit their teens. Parker & Hanson met on a cold November morning in 1993 at Leake and Watts Orphan House in NYC.

The orphaned youths had to learn the hard facts of life at an early age. Through good times and bad times Parker & Hanson stuck together and became their own small family at the Orphan House. Unfortunately, both orphaned youths got caught up in peer pressure and the harsh urban street life of NYC. Their lives needed a miracle to live beyond 23 years old.

Finally, these two young men received their miracle. Music was the answer for their survival. They began to work on the hip‑hop scene in New York City and Philadelphia, DJ‑ing at local clubs and university parties making a good living.

In July of 1998, Hanson was stabbed 3 times, including a cut to the back, in a nightclub in the Bronx, New York. Hanson spent the next few months in recovery while Parker continued to DJ and take care of his older brother Hanson. While recovering, Hanson suggested to Parker that they should move to Philadelphia and set up their own production company. On Parker's 19th birthday, PArker & Hanson decided to go for it and move to Philadelphia and set up their very own productions company, called Home Run Productions.

More so than any other thing in their lives, PArker & Hanson were motivated to make music because it was the only way they could survive. Their dedication and hard work…читать далее ↓

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Arabesque 2011
Поделился: CatoFFey

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