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The Pharaohs

Соул, Джаз

There are three bands with this name:

1- A psychobilly/rockabilly band from the UK.
The Pharaohs were a british psychobilly band from Harlow in Essex. Their vocalist and second guitarist, Glenn Daeche, wrote most of their songs. They were regulars at the Klub Foot and other low‑life places in the 80's. As one of the 'first generation' of psychobilly bands, one can see that their roots were firmly embedded in rockabilly.

2- The Pharaohs, a 60's american pop music group fronted by Sam the Sham.

3- The Pharaohs, a soul/jazz/funk band from the 70's, featuring Maurice White.

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Monsters Vs. Aliens 2009
Поделилась: Lusen

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